Become a:


100% of your monthly contribution will go directly to our operations on the ground in Kenya, no management overheads and no marketing.


 We need your help to give the gift of education

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The Need

Poverty in Kenya comes in many shapes and sizes, but one of the most important effects it has is limiting a community's access to education for its children. OnCourse believe education holds they key to enabling young people to build brighter futures for themselves and their communities, and are committed to ensuring as many children can attend school as possible. We work with two communities to make this happen.

The first is those living on Nakuru's Dumpsite. 

A number of families reside on the dumpsite, searching for valuables in the garbage as their only means of survival. One of the implications of this level of poverty is that parents are unable to provide enough food for their kids on a consistent basis. Together with the UK based charity Actions Not Words, we're aiming to feed 400 children at the local primary school who would otherwise not eat during the school day. This usually means they struggle to focus in class and aren't making the most of the educational opportunities they do have.

Similarly children in the broader community often miss one or more years of schooling because their families aren't able to afford the basic requirements school demands, including uniforms, lunches and supplies. OnCourse supports these families by placing children back in school and assisting with whatever else they need, from classroom equipment to social support.

More than providing education, school is a much needed safe haven from the issues these children face at home. HIV, Malaria and other diseases are widespread, most families do not have electricity, running water or sewage, and there are numerous social issues stemming from poverty and a lack of social services.

Whilst we can't solve all these challenges, we strongly believe investing in the education of these young people is the place to start.


 How you can help

 We've developed two monthly sponsorship options to suit you. Both are designed to ensure we receive consistent, reliable funding so we can provide consistent, reliable educational services to these kids in need. 100% of your monthly contribution will go directly to our operations on the ground in Kenya, no management overheads and no marketing.


School Lunches

Your monthly donation will go towards the collective cost of providing one school meal a day for children living on the Nakuru Dumpsite. Each meal helps ensure their attendance and full concentration at school and gives them the nutrition growing kids need.

Sponsor a Child

You'll be allocated an individual child and will support their education by funding regular school meals, their uniform, equipment, incidentals and social support, meaning they can dedicate themselves to their schooling, and alleviating the financial pressure on their family.


What do you get when you sponsor us?

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 Smile on your dial

... and the feeling of pure happiness. Your monthly donation is directly impacting the lives of children most in need and empowering them to build brighter futures for themselves and their community.

The Essentials

We'll provide bi-annual updates on either the School Lunches program or your individual sponsor child, including photos and plenty of smiles!

The Extras

Plus, all donations are tax deductible in Australia, and we'll send you a receipt for your records at tax time.

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 Two ways to give

We know everyone's ability to give is different. That's why we've developed two monthly donation options to suit you.